
This is for people who pretend that everything is okay but it’s definitely not.

This is my very own spoken word poetry about myself. I hope you’ll like it. All the love.


When you see me with just your eyes looking,

You will not know the universe inside of me hiding


The universe wherein,

You are not allowed to explore

For the reason that

You might get stuck when you reach the core


The universe living inside of me

Is a monster

It is invading my system

Like a spreading cancer



Every. Single. Day.

I’ve been luring with this monster



“You are not worthy, you don’t deserve anything”


I’ve been having a hard time getting up in the morning

Because my breakfast

Are the doubts continually

Running inside my head



That this day,

I might fail

I might get a low grade in my quiz

I might hurt somebody with the things I will say

Or the things I will make


I’m afraid

Afraid in every little detail of me


Afraid that I will be rejected

Afraid that I will make a mistake

Afraid that I will never be good enough

Afraid that everybody will leave me behind


Those thoughts are enveloping my universe inside


It drowns my soul

It drowns me that every time I wanted to swim

I’ll always end up sinking


This dark, dark side of me

Is the truth that

even though I’m smiling outside

even though I’m laughing at times

Even though sometimes I’m being carefree

Even though sometimes, you, the people I love see me, happy

But all of you don’t know,

That this girl speaking in front of you


Is craving for hugs because

Every night she cries herself to sleep


This girl needs love,

But she thinks people don’t allow it to be given to her


All she wanted was the problems to go away

But those always stay


She may be smiling

But she was dying,


Her heart has been shattering



And none of you knows that.


She is just

Wanting attention

Wanting no comparison

Wanting no set standards

Wanting the word perfect

To be just a word

But does not need to be proven.


She’s that girl,

Happy at the outside

Broken on the inside.


But, still fighting bravely

In this war called life


Still, hugging positivity

Instead of dwelling on negativity


So please,

I have one request

Don’t just look at me,

With those judging eyes


Look at me as a girl,

Who’s struggling inside

But continues to fight


Look at me as a girl,

Who’s not perfect

But always


Tries to prove herself.


Look at me as a caterpillar,

That soon,

Anytime soon,

Will be a butterfly.


Look at me with the look evident in your eyes,

That you understand me,

Understand every flaw,

Every piece,

Every imperfection

Of me.


Because this is me.

You have nothing to do but accept the reality,

That I am me.

I am Nicole.


Date Created: August 19, 2017

-atarahxx ❤